Before you buy a home, it is always a good idea to have a home inspection conducted to ensure there are no major issues that will require extensive repairs. Most home inspectors offer a general service, during which they will look over major elements like the roof, the foundation, and the plumbing. While this is a good starting point, it does not always cover everything you need to worry about. Here are two extra services that home inspectors often charge extra for. If they are not included in your inspector's general service, it is definitely worth your while to add them on.

Radon Testing

Radon is a gas that occurs naturally in some areas. Exposure to too much radon can increase your risk of lung cancer and possibly other cancers as well. If a home has radon levels that are too high, living in it may put you at risk. There are ways to modify a home to keep radon levels down, such as sealing the basement walls, but this can be expensive. So, have your home inspector add a radon test on to your services. If the home tests high for radon, you may decline to purchase it or ask the buyer to make modifications before you sign a contract.

Radon testing is fairly simple. Your home inspector will likely use an electronic monitor to take samples of the air and report the radon concentration. A radon level above 0.4 pCi/L is considered unacceptable, and modifications will be recommended. 

Sewer Inspection

If your home is hooked up to the public sewer system, it's worthwhile to add a main sewer line inspection onto your home inspection services. During this procedure, your inspector will make sure the sewer line is clear, rather than beginning to clog with tree roots or other debris.

Having the main sewer line inspected can save you thousands in repair fees, as well as the hassle of dealing with a sewage backup. When a sewer line clogs, sewage may spew out of toilets and sinks, so this is really worth preventing. If your inspector finds that the main sewer line is developing a clog, you may ask that the homeowner have it cleared out before you agree to purchase the home. A plumber can clear out a partially blocked sewer line with a special auger instrument. If you wait for it to be clogged completely, they may have to fully replace the line—which costs a lot more.

To learn more about the services that a home inspector can provide, contact a company like Keystone Home inspections.
